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“Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now by this I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth” (I Kings 17:24).

Some people witness about themselves and some others witness about others. But God Himself witnesses some people. In respect of Elijah, many people witnessed his faithfulness and God also witnessed him. The widow of Zarephath, who was a gentile, witnessed the faithfulness of Elijah. She addressed him saying, “O man of God” and this was her first witnessing. She said, “The word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth” and this was her next witnessing.

How do others witness about you? You look at others with two eyes but you should know that others are watching you with thousands of eyes. When you are seen that way, are you looking like a child of God? Will others witness that the words you speak are that of God’s and those words are true.

What is the truth in Elijah? The truth is that he was a man of God and he is one to stand before God. Elijah was also an ordinary man with sufferings like us. But he resolved to be truthful in everything while following God. Every day, in the early morning, he began to stand before God, in His presence.

Read with care, the words he spoke to Ahab for the first time. He said, “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand” (I Kings 17:1). This is how his introduction was. This is his greatness. This is the secret behind his power. This is his faithfulness.

Since Elijah had the habit of standing before God every day, he did not fear to stand before Ahab the king. Standing faithfully before God brought so much confidence in him and he even said, ‘I have shut the heaven and no rain will be there unless I command.’ God will exalt you more and more if you stand before God every day and praise Him. The necessity of standing with all humbleness before the doctors and advocates will never arise for you.

Elisha also says the same words about him. “As the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand” (II Kings 3:14). The angel Gabriel says about himself, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God” (Luke 1:19). Dear children of God, this is the faithfulness of Elijah. This is the reason for the success of Elisha. The pride of Gabriel is also the same. Will you also stand truthful and faithful before God?

To meditate: “My words come from my upright heart; my lips utter pure knowledge” (Job 33:3).

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