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“Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28).

In the last days, when God pours His Spirit on all flesh, many things happen. Sons and daughters begin to prophesy. The old aged men shall have dreams, and young men shall see visions. The menservants and the maidservants are provided with the Gifts of the Spirit. Oh, how glorious are the days in which we live!

Meditate on the words “The old men shall have dreams, and young men shall see visions.” Generally, many among the old aged people who remain as pensioners after getting retirement from Government service begin to think this way. “What is there for me from now on? No strength or confidence in the body as it used to be in the youth and the legs have begun to stumble. It is enough if I get a good death somehow.” But, God has ministry also for them. He pours the Spirit on them and gives them the gift of dreams. He enables them to know the future through dreams, and to foretell what is in store. God encourages them.

On the other side, look at the young men. Youth without experience, do act hastily and later repent for the same. But, God also loves them, pours His Spirit on them and gives visions to them. He expects them to lead a life which has a vision in it. It is written in the Scripture that ‘they will have dreams and see visions.’ ‘To have’ differs from ‘To see.’ If they remain as ‘could be visualised’ God will support you and help you have it.

Firstly, see what the vision of your life is. Have a vision over what the aim of your life is, what the purpose of your life is and towards what you are moving with expectation. With that vision, move forward. Believe that God will enable you to achieve as desired.

When Paul Yonggi Cho commenced his church, there were only five believers. But he had an aim and vision and was able to visualise through his inner eyes,five thousand persons sitting in his church. He lived with that vision, prayed for the same in a non-stop manner, and as a result, God gave him five thousand souls. Today, he is marching ahead with a vision of several lakhs of souls. Yes, young men will see visions and achieve them.

To meditate: “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.Though it tarries, wait for it” (Habakkuk 2:3).

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