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“I rejoice in your salvation” (I Samuel 2:1).

In the whole of the Scripture, God promises happiness to us. Of all those happiness, the first and the foremost is the happiness arising out of Salvation. When a person gets saved, firstly, a great happiness comes into him. As the sins got forgiven, his conscience becomes soft. As the load of sins gets cleared, joy arrives into him. As Jesus Christ, the Prince of Salvation comes into him and dwells, his happiness gets increased.

A person carried out a business venture in a big factory and became very rich. But, there was no happiness in his mind. He was always worried and had the fear that someone is trying to cheat him. This fear kept him always tense.  The number of crisis in the factory wiped out the peace from his heart.

One day, he wanted to spend time alone with a servant of God. He told the servant of God, “Sir, generally, I have seen the faces of the Christians to be happy. Can you please teach me what the way is to achieve such happiness, and will you lead me to such happiness?”

The servant of God took it to be a good opportunity, and with love, he guided that rich man to the Cross of Calvary. He spoke to him about repentance, forgiveness and the joy of Salvation. When that wealthy man submitted himself with humbleness, a big joy came into him.

At that time, he looked at the flowers nearby. He rejoiced saying “How beautiful these flowers are!” He looked at the rivers and rejoiced saying “Are not these rivers created by God for my sake?” He looked at the mountains, rejoiced and said, “If these mountains are so beautiful, how much more beautiful God who created these would be!” These flowers, rivers and mountains were already in existence there, but they did not attract him till that day. But, after Salvation, everything made him rejoice and feel happy. The reason for this happiness was that Jesus dwelled in his heart.

Dear children of God, if you get saved, there are many more things to make you happy. Your names will find a place in the ‘Book of Life,’ kept in heaven. You receive the Spirit of adoption with which you call the Lord “Abba, Father.” You become rightful to receive all His inheritances staying within the loving family of Christ. To meditate: “And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads.They shall obtain joy and gladness” (Isaiah 35:10).

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