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“Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity” (Luke 13:12).

Jesus Christ is one who delivers you. He delivers you from all the bindings of Satan and the power of the darkness. He will heal the sickness, remove the weaknesses and deliver you.

When Jesus Christ was in the world, he met a woman in a church who was suffering from frailty for 18 years because of a spirit. She was bent over with a hump and could in no way raise herself. Though it was a Sabbath day, Jesus did not mind it and healed her. The ruler of the synagogue murmured and said, “There are six days on which men ought to work. Healing can be done on any of these days and not on the Sabbath day.”

Look at the reply given by Jesus to this. There are three points in it. The first point is that that woman was the daughter of Abraham. The second point is that Satan had kept her in binding for eighteen years. Thirdly, she needs to be delivered. It might not have been a big trouble, for a lady suffering for eighteen years, to get healed one day later.

As she was the daughter of Abraham, God desired not to delay the healing even by a day. He did not mind, also about the differences creeping in between Him and the leader of the synagogue. His only wish was that the poor woman should be healed on that day itself. The reason for this is that she was the daughter of Abraham.

Today, you are the sons of Abraham, sons of David and the children of Jesus Christ. In Galatians 3:7, we read “Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.” In John 1:12, you can understand that you are the children of Jesus Christ. When you are His children, the healing and deliverance should be done at once to you. God, who healed the afflicted by the spirit of infirmity for eighteen tears on a Sabbath day, is also eager to deliver you.

Find out the reason why you fall sick. Jesus has said that it was Satan who had bound that woman (Luke 13:16).  “…the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (I John 3:8).

Dear children of God, if disobedience and sins are the causes of your sickness, repent for them. Then, God will bless you with perfect health. 

To meditate: “The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

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