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“So it came about, on the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son” (I Samuel 13:22).

The people of God came to fight in the war as soldiers, without a sword or spear in their hands. How could one fight without a sword and spear in the hands? But the people of God decided to carry on the fight leaning upon God.

In Madhya Pradesh, there is a city called Indore wherein there was a Catholic Church. There was a group of people who were against the pastor and the church and they came vigorously to destroy the ministry. They vowed to burn the entire premises to ashes on an appointed day.

A person who came to know this, came running to the pastor and said, “Pastor, there is a Central minister by name Stephen. If you inform him about this situation through a telegram, he may sympathise and come forward to help us”. But, the pastor said, “Let us not approach any minister. Let us pray. Let us lean upon God. God will fight for us”. It was surprising for the people who heard this.

On that appointed day, a thousand people marched towards the church holding atop blazing torches and sticks. When they were nearing the compound wall, a heavy rain poured down drenching the torches. There was a commotion among themselves as they began attacking each other. God brought destruction among themselves.

How truthful is the following verse! “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Only when you experience such situations, you will come to know the greatness and glory in it. In the life of David, think of the situation in which God brought in Goliath to meet him. David looked up to Goliath and bravely proclaimed: “Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands” (I Samuel 17:47).

Though David was not an expert in using the sword, he possessed the most precious faith within him. He had a strong belief in his mind that God will fight for him. So, God recognised the faith of David. God brought Goliath down to the feet of David.

Dear children of God, God will fight for you.

To meditate: “…but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles” (II Chronicles 32:8).

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