AppamAppam - English


“For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise” (I Corinthians 1:26, 27).

Think about how God chose you with love, how gracious He was towards you and how greatly He called you. God is with you and this is what all your greatness is. His presence with you enables you to do great things. When God is with you, how could there be a wiser person than you? How could there be a stronger person than you? How could there be a more able person than you? The Scripture says, “Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (I Corinthians 1:30).

When God chose Moses, he explained his inability saying,” I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” But, God is powerful to guide the children of Israel in the wilderness for forty years with Moses.

When God called Jeremiah, do you know how he responded with humility? He said, “I cannot speak, for I am a youth.” But still, God gave words in the mouth of Jeremiah, made him a prophet and used him powerfully.

Peter was illiterate and he was fishing when God made the call. When God called him, he said, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” But God made him His disciple, blessed him with spiritual gifts and made him a great Apostle. John Wesley, who founded the Methodist Churches, was a short person and he was mocked by others for his appearance. But God used him as the flame of fire powerfully.

The saint named Dwight Lyman Moody was illiterate and many people used to make fun of him for the level of English he spoke. But, lakhs of people got blessed through his ministry. Even today, he has an undiminishing name in Christian history for him.

Dear children of God, you also might have certain physical deficiencies as many saints too had. You may face numerous hurdles which will prevent your spiritual growth. Do not lose heart. It is you whom God has chosen to put to shame the wise. Get strengthened, be firm, rise and shine.

To meditate: “And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail” (Deuteronomy 28:13).

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