Appam, Appam - English


Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” (Mathew 8:3)

It is indeed very painful when you suffer from a disease. On the one hand you have to contend with the severity of the disease and on the other, you lose all your physical strength. You also go through a mental turmoil as to what will happen to you because of the disease. But you should never forget that even during such disease and sickness, the Lord is with you.

The Lord does everything for your benefit. The Scripture says: ““And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). Even during sickness, the Lord is by your side, makes you realize your lacks and helps you to take remedial actions. He talks to you and encourages you. He gives you rest and strengthens your spirit.

In those days, the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites and promised them, saying: “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). That same gracious Lord, will send forth His word and heal you. He will touch you with His nail-pierced hands and restore your health.

The hands of Christ were like the healing oil for the lepers, great medicine to heal Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever, and had the power to set right the twisted limbs of the lame and handicapped. Those hands which were stretched upon the Cross, still bear the stripes even today.

Once the government built a hospital within a refugee camp. In the same area, there was also a Christian hospital, with just a few beds. And the refugees, instead of going to the Government hospital, always went to the Christian hospital, for their treatment.

While the medication and procedures were the same in both hospitals, there was a huge difference in the hands and the way they treated the patients. The people quoted that at the Christian hospital, since they treat the patients with love and compassion, they were able to see the comforting hand of Christ in that hospital, where the patients experienced comfort, peace and joy, along with healing.

Children of God, whenever you go through a sickness or disease, never be afraid or troubled in your heart, whether it will grow worse or whether that disease means the end of your life. The Lord will place His nail-pierced hand upon you and grant you healing, strength and good health. You shall surely be comforted by Him.

Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” (Mathew 8:3)

It is indeed very painful when you suffer from a disease. On the one hand you have to contend with the severity of the disease and on the other, you lose all your physical strength. You also go through a mental turmoil as to what will happen to you because of the disease. But you should never forget that even during such disease and sickness, the Lord is with you.

The Lord does everything for your benefit. The Scripture says: ““And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). Even during sickness, the Lord is by your side, makes you realize your lacks and helps you to take remedial actions. He talks to you and encourages you. He gives you rest and strengthens your spirit.

In those days, the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites and promised them, saying: “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). That same gracious Lord, will send forth His word and heal you. He will touch you with His nail-pierced hands and restore your health.

The hands of Christ were like the healing oil for the lepers, great medicine to heal Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever, and had the power to set right the twisted limbs of the lame and handicapped. Those hands which were stretched upon the Cross, still bear the stripes even today.

Once the government built a hospital within a refugee camp. In the same area, there was also a Christian hospital, with just a few beds. And the refugees, instead of going to the Government hospital, always went to the Christian hospital, for their treatment.

While the medication and procedures were the same in both hospitals, there was a huge difference in the hands and the way they treated the patients. The people quoted that at the Christian hospital, since they treat the patients with love and compassion, they were able to see the comforting hand of Christ in that hospital, where the patients experienced comfort, peace and joy, along with healing.

Children of God, whenever you go through a sickness or disease, never be afraid or troubled in your heart, whether it will grow worse or whether that disease means the end of your life. The Lord will place His nail-pierced hand upon you and grant you healing, strength and good health. You shall surely be comforted by Him.

Verse for further meditation: “By the stripes of Jesus Christ, you were healed” (1 Peter 2:24).

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