Appam, Appam - English


“Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!” (Isaiah 12:6) 

The Lord is great. He is seated on the throne. He is our Father. Therefore, cry out and shout.  Blow your trumpet and praise God.  The Lord will do great things.

Great is our God and we have Him as our refuge and shelter.  King Solomon said, ‘Great is our God, and greater than all gods.  Therefore, the temple that we build for Him shall be great’.  Just as he said, he built a magnificent temple for the Lord and cried out and shouted; and played their trumpets, at the consecration of the temple.  They sang praises that ‘Great is our Lord and His mercy endures forever’.  And the glory of God descended in the temple.

Even today the Lord dwells within us as the great One. He is greater than all our problems. Jesus is greater than the doctors you trust in the midst of sickness. The God who fights for you is greater than the evil Goliaths who come against you.

All those who have the vision that our Lord is great, they will not worry about the likes of Pharaoh. They will also pass through the terrible Red Sea. Before them the Jordan, the river of death, will turn back. Even the walls of Jericho will crumble.

All that you have to do is to rejoice in the presence of the Lord and cry out and shout.  The Lord tells you to ‘cry out and shout’.  What does this mean?  It means you should worship the Lord and sing aloud of His praises.  You don’t have to live like a coward; or walk with your head down.  You don’t have to keep quiet any more; but rejoice in the presence of God, worship Him and sing aloud of His praises.

One day Isaiah saw the Lord as great. His heart rejoiced when he saw the Lord exalted and seated on the high throne.  The moment he saw the Lord like that, he rejoiced in his heart.  Heaven is the throne; and earth is the footstool of God most high.  Even the Cherubim and Seraphim could not keep quiet; but they sang of God’s praises singing with a loud voice, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory”.

Children of God, may the victorious majesty of the Lord be found in you; and the majestic shout be found in your family.  Increase the time of worship in church service.  The Lord will be there in your midst, as the Great God, and do mighty things.

Verse for further meditation: “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice, for the Lord has done marvelous things!” (Joel 2:21)

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